I’m Tired, Boss

“I’m tired, Boss” – Big John Coffee, in The Green Mile. Trust me, John, I think I know how you feel. I’m tired, too. I’m tired of hearing about people suffering and dying. I had recently created a list of ALS-related follows on Twitter – patients, caregivers, industry resources – which provided some insight as … Read more

I Traverse a Troubled Path

I always tried to consider the paths I traveled throughout my life as a journey, not a destination. And I always felt inclined to take the path less traveled, frequently to my own detriment. Often wrong, but always certain, I would set off on my way. Over the years, the adventures along these paths, with … Read more

Battle the Brutal Beast

Hey. Thought I’d say hello. Been a while. Hope you had a great Christmas. And, yeah, Happy New Year! I kinda bailed from here the past six weeks or so as I tried to work through a glitch in the PMA. As this disease progresses, it seems like these glitches are happening more frequently, which, … Read more

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